Present in all sectors of activity

Agriculture, food and fishing

2,100 agricultural cooperatives BUSINESS COOPERATIVES
11,262 CUMA agricultural equipment cooperatives BUSINESS COOPERATIVES
200,000 employees in the agricultural cooperative sector
82% of farmers belong to a cooperative
€104 billion in turnover
349,203 members, including 195,000 belonging to a CUMA

66 marine cooperatives BUSINESS COOPERATIVES
19 subsidiaries
820 jobs
€880 million in turnover
16,400 members


3 cooperative banks BANKING COOPERATIVES
86 regional cooperative banks
4,400 local banks
328,400 employees
€84.4 billion net banking income
29.6 million customer members

Retail trade

104 retail cooperatives BUSINESS COOPERATIVES
50,881 sales outlets
600,770 jobs
€176.5 billion in turnover
32,286 partner entrepreneurs

70 consumer cooperatives USER COOPERATIVES
o   including 30 cooperatives in the Biocoop network
o   and 10 cooperative and collaborative supermarkets (with another 30 currently in the planning stage)
5,000 employees
€1.6 billion in turnover
950,000 consumer members

Services and production

2,600 SCOP worker cooperatives WORKER COOPERATIVES
66,727 employees
€7.3 billion in turnover
42,999 members
o   including 30,537 member employees

1,400 SCIC community interest cooperatives MULTI-STAKEHOLDER COOPERATIVES - SCIC
14,783 employees
€1.1 billion in turnover
88,400 members (stakeholders)

155 CAE activity and employment cooperatives, either SCOP or SCIC, supporting 11,658 employee entrepreneurs, including 4,400 members.

Construction, transport and personal services

129 trade cooperatives BUSINESS COOPERATIVES
o   €1.9 billion in turnover
4 transport cooperatives BUSINESS COOPERATIVES
o   €118.1 million in turnover
76,000 jobs
20,925 tradesmen members

Real estate and housing

162 HLM (low-income) housing cooperatives USER COOPERATIVES
60% SCIC
200,000 rental properties
3,945 employees
€2.2 billion in turnover in 2022
110,349 members, 84% of which are users

78 resident cooperatives USER COOPERATIVES
870 properties
76% occupied by people living below the eligibility threshold for social housing


42,300 school cooperatives USER COOPERATIVES
4.9 million members of school cooperatives
supervised by the OCCE office for school cooperation

58 education cooperatives for community entrepreneurialism
mostly CJS youth service cooperatives for students aged 16-18.